Feels wrong
Fast thinking
Slow thinking
When you feel relaxed and everything is going well you can close the consultation and move onto the next. If things don’t feel right it may be your subconscious mind telling you to step back and think more carefully about what you might be missing.
Feels wrong
If it does not feel right stop and think. Take a few minute to consider what happened or make a physical note to remind you to review what took place and consider what might have been missed. What could you have done differently? Do you need to follow up and check?
Fast thinking
Described by Kahneman as System 1, Fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic, subconscious. Tap into the emotions and what your subconscious is saying
Slow thinking
System 2 thinking is described by Kaheman as Slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious. Step back and apply slow thinking when your emotions and subconscious raises concerns.
from Daniel Kahneman 2011 Thinking Fast and Slow published by Farrar, Strauss and Giroux. Kahneman is a nobel prize winner in economics