Team Orientaton

Who is in the team
What are their skills and preferences
What is the route of contact

When a team is established effective working together can be facilitated by simple steps outlined below and illustrated in the layout of the sheet below. This was first designed for the 2012 London Olympics to help with the roles of the medical team covering the hockey pitch.

Who is in the team

Just a list of names and ideally face to face introductions. It may be better to write these down for easier recall

What are their skills and preferences

Everyone has a preference about their role. This preference may be hidden amongst other discussion and more pressing tasks. Knowng what each others preferences are enables each person to identify what their own role migh tbe within

What is the route of contact

Once you have a network of people who relate to one area of work it becomes an issue to ensure any emerging problems are identified earlier, and dealt with locally. For the 2012 Olympics medical team the following layout was adapted with the patient in the middle and the anaesthetist at the head of the sheet.


Name…………………..                                                                       Name…………………..
Contact…………………                                                                      Contact…………………
Skills…………………….                                                                      Skills……………………..
……………………………..                                                                      ……………………………..



Name…………………..                                                                       Name…………………..
Contact…………………                           TASK                          Contact…………………
Skills…………………….                                                                      Skills……………………..
……………………………..                                                                       ……………………………..



Name…………………..                                                                      Name…………………..
Contact…………………                                                                     Contact…………………
Skills…………………….                                                                     Skills……………………..
……………………………..                                                                     ……………………………..

