Delegation is about passing on a task that you would normally do yourself. Teamwork is about identifying what needs to be done and sharing the tasks most appropriately.
When delegating a task to another person is it clear what the aims are and are they understood by all people involved?
Delegation does not need to involve telling someone what to do. Often it is better to discuss what is to be achieved by the team as a whole and then ask that person how they will contribute. People who have ownership of tasks will be more motivated and feel in more control of the work.
Does the person carrying out the allocated work have the ability to complete the task and the resources to be able to complete the role. Someone who is very capable may just need to understand what the broad objectives are and will then complete the work without further input. Someone with little experience may need closer supervision and support on a regular basis
Agree a time period in which to review the progress together. Three months is often a good period for non urgent tasks or larger projects. Particularly if the person is capable and will take the project forward. At the review point discuss if the task been achieved or does more need to be done. What is the next objective.
The outline for Aims Ability and Achieved is a summary of the “three rules” ably described with examples by Valerie Iles on page 7 of her book Really Managing Health Care 2006 Open University Press