Earlier full agenda
Hidden agendas
Time allocation
Increasing workload and reduced funding has thrown primary care into crisis. The funding model discourages longer consultations so the consultation needs to be more focused. Yet, as GPs, we wish to provide comprehensive holistic consultations.
The aim was to explore the impact of prior questions on the consultation.
One hundred pre consultation question sheets were analysised and it was found that both patients and doctors found them useful.
The benefits were:
The agenda was out at very start
Identified any hidden agendas
Earlier focus on core problems
Easier allocation of time
Reduced doorstop questions
The plan is to offer the pre consultation questions on line nationally at this site so people can use it as they wish.
In our surgery we will leave a pile of pre consultation questions beside our electronic check in.
This received a highly commended national award at the annual RCGP conference in Harrogate in 2016.
You can download the pre consultation questions for your own use as a patient or as a doctor. Go to “downloads” then scroll down to pre consultation questions.