
Imagine the goal
See, feel and hear it
Small steps and dates

Visualisation is a technique to help you confirm and achieve your own personal goals.

Imagine the goal

Have you any things you would like to do in life?  Thinking about them can help you achieve them. Imagining what it is like to have achieved those things is a step forward. By actually visualising your goals in your mind you can clarify what you want to do and how to go about it. This can also help you work out whether these goals really are your primary aims.

See, feel and hear it

To help you imagine what your goal would be like for you it helps to actively explore each sense. Try to see in your minds eye what success is for you. Hear the sounds associated and feel the sensations and emotions. As your image becomes clearer think about whether this goal is still for you.

Small steps and dates

What is the first practical step needed to move towards your goal. When can you do it by? How will you do it?  What are the next steps? Make each step manageable and write them down with a dates beside them. Is this still your goal and is each step achievable. If so then go for it