Know the job
Tailor your application
Be enthusiastic
Getting the job you want can be daunting but perseverance and preparation pay off
Know the job
Get to know the job. Find out about the job in detail by taking to previous occupants, current staff and looking at all internet and written information related. If you are lucky you may come across key information on what is being looked for. The process will help you decide if you really want the job. Crucially you will be able to show your future employers or partners that you know what you are doing
Tailor your application
Having gathered information you should have an idea of the type of person and skills they are looking for. Don’t put down anything that is not true but make it clear how you skills relate to what they want. Support any statements of what you are good at with examples as bland statements alone are not as powerful
Be Enthusiastic
Enthusiasm, interest and energy wins through almost every time. If you know the job and that you want it your enthusiasm and confidence will show through. You are showing that you can deal with whatever you are given in the post. You may not know exactly what to do but you will have the energy to find out and do it.