Protected time
University style
Reference manager
A useful resource is “How to get a PhD” A handbook for students and their supervisors Dr Estelle Phillips and Prof Derek Pugh which is now on its 5th Edition (2010).
Whether you are writing a module, BSc, MA, MSc, MPhil, or PhD there are general principles that apply. Whatever the outcome you will definitely have contributed in some way to the wider thinking on your subject. Well done and good luck
Protected time
Protected time and night reflection are useful approaches. Get you mind into the right mindset the day before you have set aside. Wake up ready to start having put aside all other distractions. Have a desk clear of anything else with the task for that day ready on the desk
University style
From the start use, check and revisit the expected university style for your thesis including typeface, use of commas, spacing of quotes and reference style. It will save a lot of revising text later on.
Reference manager
Identify and use a reference management system early on. This may be one used by your university or peers. They can be free eg mendeley, but most need funding in the longer term eg reference manager, endnote. You can create your own using word reference management or an excel file. A good reference management system will save you lots of time
If you would like advice on completing a PhD thesis or research on education e mail me at “DocRick”