Happy Moments
When you are feeling down and have had a difficult day it can help to think back about any positive moments and remind yourself about them. They can be small things but they add up and can help set you back on course. Note them down if you want. It often helps to read back about them later.
Happy Moments
What made you feel happy or just a bit better during the day. Note it down briefly. It can be something you saw or experienced. It may be something in nature or the sun or clouds that made you slow down just briefly. Think about it if you have time and relive the moment.
These don’t have to be big, just small steps. Completing a task, getting a chore done, paying a bill. They all count as an achievement.
Anything that told you how you might have done. A smile, a thankyou, a compliment. Take them and build them up. Pat yourself on the back.
The Feedgood Triangle of reflection is printable or downloadable from “Downloads” scroll down to “Feedback triangle of reflection” or at Feelgood Triangle of reflection